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Some very usual fields are available for common metadata applicable to LOMwise schemas Note this file MUST be produced and encoded in UTF8 for any information in non ASCII charset.

First field : This field MUST be “file” and will contain the exact local file name where metadata applies

Usual fields :

* title (Ref LOM:1_2) : If different from file basename. If title column exists and is blanck, the base name of the file wil be used as default.

* description (Ref LOM:1_4): A textual description, rather short, of the resource. Avoid using “;” in description text as no escaping is handled by the importer. You may use the corresponding UTF8 escape (\003b) for litteral semi-columns.

* keywords (Ref LOM:1_5): One or more keywords, seperated by single columns (,). No column allowed in a single keyword token.

* language (Ref LOM:1_3): the language of text of the resource usually a 3 letter lang code (f.e. 'fra')

* documenttype (Ref LOMFR:1_9): something exactly in : 'collection', 'ensemble de données', 'événement', 'image', 'image en mouvement', 'image fixe', 'logiciel', 'objet physique', 'ressource interactive', 'service', 'son', 'texte'

* documentnature (Ref ScoLOMFR:1_10): something exactly in : 'annuaire', 'archives', 'article', 'atlas', 'bande dessinée', 'banque de vidéos', 'banque d\'images', 'base de données', 'bibliographie/sitographie', 'biographie', 'carte', 'carte heuristique et conceptuelle', 'chronologie', 'collection de documents', 'compte rendu', 'conférence', 'diaporama', 'dossier documentaire', 'dossier technique', 'exposition', 'feuille de calcul', 'film', 'image numérique', 'livre numérique', 'maquette/prototype', 'norme', 'jeu de données', 'objet physique', 'objet 3D', 'ouvrage', 'partition musicale', 'périodique', 'photographie', 'podcast', 'présentation multimédia', 'programme scolaire', 'rapport', 'référentiel de compétences', 'schéma/graphique', 'site web', 'tableau (art)', 'web média'

authors (Ref LOM:2_3,2_3_1,2_3_2,2_3_3) : List of comma separated authors and eventually simplified date if known ex : “Martin Durand (08/10/2013),Josette Dupond (08/10/2013)”. The internal data format will be recomposed from incoming information.

* contributors (Ref LOM:2_3,2_3_1,2_3_2,2_3_3) : Same as above. The role field 2_3_1 will be adjusted

* pedagogictype (Ref LOMFR:5_2) : something exactly in 'exercise', 'simulation', 'questionnaire', 'diagram', 'figure', 'graph', 'index', 'slide', 'table', 'narrative text', 'exam', 'experiment', 'problem statement', 'self assessment', 'lecture', 'démonstration', 'animation', 'tutoriel', 'glossaire', 'guide', 'matériel de référence', 'méthodologie', 'outil', 'scénario pédagogique'

* difficulty (Ref LOM 5_9) : something exactly in 'very easy', 'easy', 'medium', 'difficult', 'very difficult'

local/sharedresources/import/lomfr.1513623914.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2024/04/04 15:52 (modification externe)